In the early 1930's in Portland, Oregon, there were two clubs that dominated the area; the Portland AMA, who were Indian riders and the Rose City Motorcycle Club, who rode Harley's. At one of the larger field events where both clubs got together and participated, things were going as planned when Runte Robinson and Shorty Gray were asked to leave due to excess drinking and not abiding the rules. With them went John Cameron, Jim Foss, and Don Hubbard. They retreated to the nearest tavern to discuss forming their own club. By April 1936, they had a clubhouse under Otto Drager's West Side Motorcycle Shop on NW Broadway and had grown to around 20 riders. All brands of motorcycle were welcome and the emphasis was on riding and having fun. According to John Cameron, "It all goes back to that bunch. All the other rebel groups came later and some of us joined them too, but we were the first to have that kind of club". Over 80 years ago, five men sat in a Portland tavern and chose the name Flying Fifteen. - Peter Fritsch Historian